A Clear Success for Walla Walla.....
The Exit Homelessness Community Beautification Project has been a clear success for Walla Walla -- and its participants. The Beautification Team has done an excellent job in keeping many of our city’s streets, parks and trails free of litter, as well as giving homeless people a way to contribute to the community and to receive deserved recognition for it.
The project currently has the following active routes.
Main Street from Palouse to 5th, including Heritage Park and parking lot, and the city parking lot behind Land Title
Alder Street from Carnegie Center to Fifth, including the library parking lots, the parking lot behind Macy’s, and Volunteer Park
Second Street from Oak to Birch, including the city parking lot behind Tallman’s and the city parking lot at Birch, Third and Poplar
First Street from Main to Alder, and Colville Street from Alder to Sumach, including the city parking lot at Sumach, Colville and Spokane
Rees Avenue from Jefferson to Sumach, including Memorial Park, the Borleske parking lot, and the recreation trail along Hwy 12 through the underpass
The City Hall parking lot, the 5th and Sumach parking lot, and the Corps of Engineers parking lot, as well as adjoining streets
The recreation trail on the north side of Hwy12 from Rees west to Ninth, including Moore along the city corporation yard and police station
Isaacs Avenue from Main to the Fairgrounds
When you see the team out and about, please give them a nod and say hello. They are happy to be giving back to our wonderful, caring community.