MOST has launched!
The Mobile Outreach Services Team, a formal collaboration with Blue Mountain Action Council and Providence's Population Health has lifted off!
This new program will bring outreach services to those who are homeless, exactly where the services are needed. From the M.O.S.T., the Alliance will help clients obtain ID, apply for and find housing, assist with job searches and connect them with other agencies. BMAC will provide case management, coordinated entry and navigation to other needed services. Population Health will provide preventative health screenings, health education, screening for the social determinants of health and connect clients to health services.
These outreach services will assist those who are homeless, whether they reside in a shelter or are living outdoors. The Mobile Outreach Services Team will be at the Sleep Center two or three days each week. On other days, it will bring services to those who are unsheltered and to surrounding communities that lack support.