Walla Walla Alliance for the Homeless
Open House Event Highlights
We had an amazing turn out of support at the transitional housing open house, with over 70 people swinging by for a look at the exciting new expansion. Thanks to our staff and volunteers for putting on a marvelous event, and to our community for such a strong sign of support.
NBC News at the Shelter Community
NBC News from Tri-Cities/Yakima spent some time at the new transitional housing shelter -they did a great job explaining how the expansion works and the value it brings to our community.
The new expansion is up and running! Click here to read all about this exciting development, watch the Tri-Cities NBC news item, and see images from the open house event.
Expansion Project Updates
Click Learn More for exciting updates on the Transitional Shelter expansion project.
Sleep Center expands occupancy for Walla Walla's homeless
Walla Walla’s Sleep Center, which provides shelter and basic amenities to people experiencing homelessness, is expanding!
The Exit Homelessness Program supports the Alliance mission by providing participants with tools and support for reaching their housing, health and self-sufficiency goals.
The Exit Homelessness program is changing lives
Governor Jay Inslee visits the Walla Walla shelter community
Washington State Governor Jay Inslee spent some time at the shelter community learning about the work we do.
MOST has launched!
The Mobile Outreach Services Team, a formal collaboration with Blue Mountain Action Council and Providence's Population Health has lifted off!